Last Thursday night during our Bible class, we went over Matthew 18: 1-5 passage one last time. I asked the class to see if they could come up with any comments from outside sources as to what this passages was teaching. After several minutes of interacting we concluded once again with the following:
1. The disciples wanted to know who was going to be the greatest (best) in the kingdom of heaven (this is a reference to the 1000 year Millennial kingdom). This was not a reference to the
2. If the disciples would humble themselves (v.4) like the little child they would be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
3. In (v.5) I pointed out that whoever receives one little child (believer that has humbled himself like a child) in My name receives Me. In other words, when a believer receives another believer who has humbled himself, then he receives/welcomes Christ. This should encourage us to extend grace to our brother or sister in Christ, especially if they (according to this verse) humble themselves. I can see how this will help strengthen relationships within the church during disagreements. James chapter four has a lot to say about this.
After examining this passage, we continued with the next several verses. We ended on a verse that is often cited to show that children have guardian angels watching over them. I'm referring to verse 10, of course.
When you follow the flow of the passage, you'll notice that Jesus is still referring to the humble believer! I'm sure kids have a special place in God's heart but we are not told that children have guardian angels watching over them. What the text says is that the angels are observing (watching) the face of God not watching over kids.
What's the point? Well, we are warned not to despise or look down on a believer who has demonstrated humility.
Freddy Cortez
For the full audio recording of this class right click and save HERE:
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